Saturday, November 17, 2012

Baby Shower

We had the baby shower last weekend and it was the best baby shower I've ever been to! (I may be a little biased!) My amazing friends and Lindas put on a great shower for me and baby Fred. He was even there because they framed one of his ultrasound pictures and had them on the sweet! The theme was "Tiny Pumpkin" and the colors were orange and blue (which happen to be my two favorite colors!) The food was amazing and very thoughtful because I know they took into account my restricted diabetic diet. It was super delicious and fall-y...squash soup, chicken salad, salad with apples and (my favorite) Panera dressing, mini carmel apples and tiny, diabetic-friendly desserts! We even played a game. It involved memory and my pregnant brain didn't fare so well, but it was still fun! Who know not winning could be fun?! There was a great turnout and I am so thankful for all the people who were able to make it to the shower! It meant so much to have them all there! Thanks to the amazing women who helped organize, create, prepare food, decorate and all-around help with the was awesome!! Thanks to everyone for the gifts and the time spent celebrating our "Tiny Pumpkin"!

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