Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Owen turned 2!

     Our sweet baby boy isn't a baby anymore! He turned two on January 20th. I can't believe how fast these last two years have gone! I know I'm biased but he seems to be the sweetest, smartest little two year old I know!
     What has Owen been up to lately? He is chatty. He has the sweetest little voice and likes to use it. He can count to 13 consistently (he likes to jump to 16 after that!) He can sing the alphabet. Actually, he loves to sing. Some of his favorite songs are "Praise Him", "Old MacDonald", "Good Morning, God" and "Elmo's World." He finally has a good grasp on his shapes. He struggled with them for awhile but has them down now!
     I'm not sure if it's because we are stuck inside with the snow and cold and there is little variety in activities, but Owen has really started to develop his creative side. We have a closet full of fun, artistic bins. He especially likes coloring with markers and insists on taking the lids off as well as putting them on. He is obsessed with Play-doh. Right now all he wants to do is make a basketball and hoop and "shoot baskets" with each and every color of Play-doh. (Owen is very particular and we tend to do things the same way EVERY single time. He likes routine and consistency!)
     Owen loves his sister and always wants to give her the big, "squeezy" hugs he gives Tyler and I but we have to encourage him that Avery likes gentle hugs. They love playing together (most of the time) and usually know how to make each other laugh. I'm so looking forward to watching these two grow up together...I think they will be the best of friends but only time will tell!
     We celebrated Owen's birthday a few days before he actually turned 2. We had a house full of family to help us celebrate. Owen loved the attention and hammed it up for everyone! Owen requested pizza and Elmo. Luckily both of those were pretty easy to accomplish. He had a Sesame Street party with an Elmo cake and Cookie Monster cupcakes! The party was so fun and the most important part was that Owen loved it!

Aunt Jordan was trying to win Avery over all night! I think she did by the end!

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