Saturday, March 30, 2013

Learning Curve

Well, God opened my eyes to the fact that my baby doesn't physically need to be fed every three hours at night despite the fact that he would wake up that often (almost the same time to the minute every night!) If it had been more than three hours since his last feeding, then I would just feed him and not even attempt to put him to sleep first. I now know it was just out of habit for both of us. (No wonder the kid keeps gaining so much weight, he eats anytime he has a boob in his face even if he's not all that hungry!) So last night, I pumped before the 10 o'clock feeding so I would know exactly how much Owen was getting (I got 5 oz.!!) I fed him the bottle. Tyler and I agreed we wouldn't feed him again until 3 am at the earliest. Owen went 5 1/2 hours in between feedings! He did wake up twice in between but we put him back to sleep without feeding him. After a couple nights of him going longer between feedings, we will have to start letting him learn to fall asleep on his own (a.k.a. crying it out.) I'm not looking forward to that but I know he will work it out and we will all survive!

1 comment:

  1. Yea for longer sleep, it's a blessing for Mama and baby! I loved it when R started sleeping longer and longer at night. It's amazing what 5 hours of sleep can feel like, after weeks of 2-3 hours here and there.
