Thursday, August 22, 2013

I know....I know....

I know it has been too long since I've posted anything but we've been busy! Here's what we've been up to...
-We moved! Yep, we moved from Ames to Story City where Tyler and I both grew up. We've been looking for houses in Story City for awhile, but God was teaching us patience and knew the perfect house was worth the wait! We found a (pretty much) totally remodeled 4 bedroom ranch. There are a few projects left for us to do but that is also by choice! I will post pictures later!
-Owen turned 6 and then 7 months since I've last blogged! Oops...time flies! He weighed 17 lbs. 5oz. at his 6 month appointment. Chunky monkey! He has started eating baby food and (surprise!) really likes it! There isn't really a food he's tried he doesn't like. Well, he used to like sweet potatoes but gagged the last few times I tried giving them to him! Lol! Also, he can sit! He is steady and stable and seems to have a very strong core! (He must take after his mother! ;)) He still doesn't really like "tummy time" and, therefore, hasn't taken to crawling yet. Tyler and I think he may skip crawling and go straight to walking because he loves to walk if you hold his hands! Who knows? I'll keep you posted! I have really been working on getting Owen on a consistent napping schedule and it seems to be working! (Most days!) Owen is taking longer naps and is generally happier. Although, I try making him put himself to sleep, it doesn't always happen but is starting to become more regular. He has been a model student, really! Owen and Buddy have both adjusted very well to living in Story City which is an answered prayer! They both seem to like the house...yay!
-Tyler did turnover apartment painting at Iowa State for two and a half weeks! He started 2 days after we moved in! Needless to say, we are both glad that's over!
-We are pregnant! Did I bury the lead? Yes, Tyler and I are expecting our second child in early March. I am only 12 weeks so it is still very early in the pregnancy, but the 12 week mark is a very big hurdle as far as miscarriages go. The chances drop significantly after this point! I should probably start taking benchmark pregnancy shots...look for those to be posted later also! :) I haven't been sick (thankfully!) but have been very tired! This has contributed to the lack of blogging because I've spent all of Owen's naps (read: my time!) taking naps of my own. Hopefully, I will start feeling more "normal" soon and won't need to nap as often! has been busy but I expect things to start slowing down a little and to be able to catch up on the blog! Thanks for understanding and keep checking in because I will start posting again!

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