Monday, February 10, 2014

Let them eat cake

Happy Birthday to Owen!

Owen's 1st Birthday!

Owen turned 1 year old on January 20th. That went fast!! It is amazing that it's been a whole year since he was born but fun to see how he's grown. He brings such joy and laughter to our lives. We are grateful everyday for the blessing God has given us in Owen. We were lucky to celebrate his birthday with family and friends. He got more presents than he needed but loved them all! Owen got his first taste of cake. He loved it but wasn't exactly sure what to do with it! (I will attach a video on another post.) Thank you so much to all who have helped and supported us this first year! Owen (and us) are lucky to have you in our lives!
Now that Owen is 1 he can...
-walk backward (it's pretty funny because he thinks it's hilarious)
-he's got a pretty good arm and can throw really well (likes to throw Buddy's ball to him)
-loves to dribble and "shoot" his basketball
-he has 8 teeth (and uses them to eat a lot!)
Hmm...I'm sure there is lots more but he had quite a list at 11 months and I can't think of what else he can do that I didn't list then! :)
The theme for his party was based on the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Admiring one of his new toys

Celebrating with his proud parents


Christmas 2013

We have the luxury of having most of our family close, but that makes for a lot of Christmases to attend! This year just happened to be Owen's first Christmas as well! We had a lot of fun but all of us were pretty exhausted after all was said and done! (It doesn't take much with an 11-month old and a pregnant mama!) We celebrated with both extended family and immediate family but the furthest we had to drive was Ames! We received and gave away presents but Christmas is about the ultimate gift. The Savior of the world was born. He was fully God but came to earth to die a painful death so that I may overcome death through my belief in Jesus Christ.  I know it is easy to get caught up in gifts, traditions and schedules (I do too!) but we need to stay focused on the real reason we celebrate Christmas!