Saturday, December 29, 2012

We are gonna be parents!

Mommy at 38 weeks

Daddy at 38 weeks

38 Weeks

Sorry I haven't been very good about posting new pictures of the belly! I am now 38 weeks. The doctor checked me at my last appointment and I am 1 cm dialated, but she didn't think I would go into labor this week. She thinks my due date will be fairly accurate. I thought we could take a look back to see how the belly has grown!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

More Maternity Pictures

Here are a few more maternity pictures. We swapped our photography skills with our friends, Jared and Allison, and we took family pictures of them and they took these awesome pictures of us! Thanks guys!

Not So Funny

So I said he was ornery and his cute little kicks tickled me but...his kicks are not so funny anymore! He is getting bigger and his kicks are getting more aggressive. He is starting to hurt me! Come on nice to your mom! :)